10 practical urban gardening ideas for small spaces in the home



Flowers are the beauty of nature, no matter whether in a big place or small.73% of Americans love flowers and want to garden at home. Urban gardening reduces indoor temperature by about 6°C-8°C. Also helps reduces sound pollution. All small spaces can be excellent places to grow flowers and food. Just need sunlight and some care. An apartment building roof becomes a beautiful small garden. We’ve found 10 practical ideas for urban gardening. Let’s explore urban gardening ideas for making a home with natural green …


Urban gardening ideas 1: shoe organizer garden


If you do not have enough space, canvas shoe organizers can be a cost-effective and easy approach for you. You can easily organize a vertical beautiful garden. just make sure the shoe organizer can get at least 6-8 hours of full sunlight.

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 2: Hang baskets garden


Keep in mind when you are planning to hang baskets in urban gardening, how can you go to water them? Because you should water plants once or twice per week. You can plant a variety of flowers to make it more attractive. Some beautiful plants for hanging baskets garden.


  • Supertunia Petunias
  • Painted Lady
  • Dwarf Lavender
  • Lobelia
  • Impatiens
  • Sedum morganianum
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Fountain Grass
  • Tradescantia
  • Imagination Verbena
  • Trailing Pansies
  • Snowtopia
  • SnowtopiaFuchsia
  • Begonias
  • Calibrachoa
  • Sweet Alyssum
  • Moss Rose
  • Lantana

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 3: Vegetable in Pot garden


A very simple way of Urban vegetable gardening is in a large pot can. You just need a large pot and drill holes under the pot, fill it with soil and plant a variety of plants together. You will get home-grown vegetables full year-round. Some vegetables for pot garden.


  • Beetroot
  • Beans
  • Carrots
  • Cole Crops
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Lettuce and other greens
  • Melons
  • Onions
  • Peas
  • Peppers
  • Potatoes
  • Radishes
  • Squash
  • Tomatoes

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 4: garden in a bottle


Waste bottles used for a beautiful garden are the best idea, it’s reduced our environmental pollution and makes our home more gorgeous. Over seven billion tonnes of plastic waste are generated globally. So we can recycle waste bottles into an amazing natural green garden. Using used plastic bottles, we can make our home beautiful and also our planet. Some beautiful plants for a bottle garden.


  • Actiniopteris australis
  • Adiantum pubescens
  • Adiantum raddianum ‘Fritz-Luthi’
  • Aerangis arachnopus
  • Aerangis articulata
  • Aerangis biloba
  • Aerangis calantha
  • Aerangis citrata
  • Aerangis collum-cygni
  • Aerangis fastuosa
  • Aerangis fuscata
  • Aerangis hariotiana

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 5: living wall garden


We can easily convert our limited wall spaces into a natural green walls. Living wall gardens are advanced structures. Living wall gardens is a modern technology company installed by specialists. Living wall gardens increase air oxygen levels converting CO2 into oxygen. One m2 of living wall converts 2.3 kg of CO2 to 1.7 kg of oxygen. Some beautiful plants for living wall gardens.


  • 1. Air Plant
  • 2. Arrowhead Plant
  • 3. Bird’s Nest Fern
  • 4. Boston Fern
  • 5. Burro’s Tail
  • 6. Chenille Plant
  • 7. Golden Pothos
  • 8. English Ivy
  • 9. Maidenhair Fern
  • 10. Pitcher Plant
urban gardening ideas
urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 6: window box garden


If you have no space in your living apartment, you can try a window box garden. But be careful, many people have serious injuries from setting window boxes. Be careful about whether the window box garden is secure or not. because sometimes comes down by the storm. Sometimes window box gardens are banned by property owners. In this case, you can use an indoor window box garden. Remember to choose plants, and be sure window box gardens are located in the light and rain. Some plants for window box garden.


  • Herbs 
  • Clivias
  • Ficus Lyrata
  • Vegetables

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 7: Balcony gardening


For anyone who lives in an urban city, it is hard to find enough space for growing a beautiful garden. You will need more creative knowledge with the limited space on the balcony to grow a garden. Balcony gardening reduces indoor temperature by about 6°C-8°C. Also, help to reduce sound pollution. Some beautiful plants for balcony gardening.


  • Leafy greens
  • Herbs
  • Bush vegetables
  • Vines

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 8: Jar Garden


Anyone wants to always use fresh herbs in the kitchen. If these herbs grow in your jar garden can be great. Herbs are pretty easy to grow in a jar on the kitchen decor. You can use mason jars, pickle jars, pasta jars, or any other glass container. Some herbs for Jar Garden.


  • Basil.
  • Parsley.
  • Cilantro.
  • Chives.
  • Thyme.
  • Rosemary.

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 9: Stair gardening


You can make a cost-effective flower and vegetable garden on your stair. It takes a small space but can give you the opportunity to plant a lot of different plants. You can plant a variety of plants on every tier and can get crops throughout the year. Some plants for Jar Garden.


  • Maidenhair fern.
  • Hay scented fern.
  • Philodendron.
  • Caladium.
  • Oakleaf hydrangea.
  • Hostas.
  • Desert roses.
  • Armeria.
urban gardening ideas
urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 10: Wheelbarrow Gardening


A wheelbarrow can be a moving beautiful garden. You can plant herbs, flowers, succulents, and vegetables. If you want to get vegetables that don’t have deep roots the wheelbarrow garden is a better choice.

urban gardening ideas

Urban gardening ideas 11: rooftop gardens


In most urban areas, a gardener has not had enough space for gardening. If you want a beautiful outdoor living space, then maybe choose your roof. That is the reason you may want to make a beautiful rooftop garden. Rooftop gardens good use of unused space. You will need to water the rooftop garden frequently in hot weather.


Benefits of Roof Garden

  • It converts CO2 and produces oxygen
  • Reduces the heat of buildings and the ambient temperature inside the home
  • Can takes direct sunlight
  • Improving air quality
  • Habitat for wildlife
  • Fresh foods
urban gardening ideas
urban gardening ideas


Above urban garden ideas inspire you to make your own beautiful small urban garden. You can use all of these ideas to create your own urban gardens. just imagine the wonderful moment, when coming back home you can see the green haven on your small balcony.







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